How does the vineyard ecosystem work?
Why not create a cohesive and motivated group, a working group for sustainability between the rows? A trip to a vineyard will no longer be a simple visit to a winery with colleagues, but will turn into a real team-building session focused on the vineyard ecosystem. The aim is to provide a deeply nature-oriented insight into a different environment from everyday life. We thus create situations of cooperation and exchange between colleagues in which common goals are achieved through the participation of everyone, each with different roles and differentiated activities.
Away from the office, in the open air...
we discover, that every single choice we make in terms of agronomic practices impacts on our biodiversity and soil health. This concept also applies to our companies in all sectors, but it is not as easy to recognise as in the vineyard.
Nel vigneto, infatti, ci sono molti lavori distinti che devono essere svolti durante tutto l’arco dell’anno. A seconda della stagione e del clima, la vigna va curata, bisogna creare le condizioni ideali per una buona crescita e una buona maturazione dell’uva, in sinergia con la natura. Questo e altro ancora impareremo durante il nostro team building in vigna.
What kind of group work can we imagine?
The tasks will be the most diverse: plant inspection and tidying up (with the repair and replacement of broken supports), pruning (a very important activity, which is carried out philosophically by experts), the greening management (topping, leafing, thinning), soil care care, the fertilisation and so on.
The best known activity remains, however, the grape harvest, which takes place in late summer/early autumn. On this occasion, teams are formed to harvest the fruits of a year's work; it is not a matter of gathering as many bunches of grapes as possible, but of carrying out a 'selection' harvest, from the point of view of both picking the grapes and selecting them. Depending on the wine to be produced, there are qualitative and not just quantitative objectives to be met.
What does 'sustainable' team building consist of?
Sustainable team building in the vineyard aims to bring all participants closer to the world of wine and, therefore, viticulture: vineyard management is in fact one of the most important and delicate activities for every winegrower. There are several variables such as weather conditions, diseases and pathogens that can influence the quality and yield of the vines.
We begin our day in the vineyard with a meeting with the vine grower or agronomist who will introduce us to the secrets of the art of sustainable viticulture. He/she will tell us about the soil, the altitude and the microclimate of the vineyard, as well as the type of vine cultivated, the planting chosen, etc..
Our 'volunteer winegrowers' ready for field work
After a training introduction, our 'volunteer vineyard workers' will be ready for field work. Depending on the time of year, they have to help with various tasks, such as cleaning the rows (forest, undergrowth), tying the fruit head, repairing the rows and much more.
This phase is fundamental: we come into direct contact with nature, we touch the work in nature and of nature, realising the importance of healthy living in a healthy and sustainable environment. Taking care of the vine, respecting the rules of nature, will give us good fruit and the best results.
Step into the shoes of a winegrower for a day, get close to nature by 'getting your hands dirty' with the earth and understand the importance that every single choice can have for the ecosystem. The winegrower must constantly make decisions based on climatic conditions, interpret them and harmonise them.
Once decisions have been made, the entire organisation must implement them together with the employees: Good interaction with colleagues is an important step in this process,and every single contribution counts.
The picnic in the vineyard, as a happy end to the day
The day of training and hands-on experience will end on a high note: wines from the winery and products from local farmers will be enjoyed. This enjoyable picnic will be enlivened by the final team quiz game. 15 minutes of questions and answers about what we have learnt, the history of the winery and its wines and, of course, with some provocative questions that will make us sneer if not laugh.
This concludes an experience in the discovery of sustainable viticulture and the creation of fruitful and productive networking for today and tomorrow.